Gather Wednesday nights with our awesome Christian community and hear about the Greater Things God has for your life in college!
What to expect: Come as you are!
The atmosphere is casual and the worship is unplugged, with messages focused on equipping you in your faith - that means LOTS of Jesus and His Word. Bring your Bible and a friend!
When I was struggling to find a good group of friends my freshman year, C@T was there and made me feel so welcomed. It’s like a big family.
I would say the pivotal moment in my Christian walk was coming to college and choosing Jesus on my own, before then it was I went because my family did now I was reading the Bible and meeting other Christians by my own choice which was an amazing feeling.
I have been guided to Christ and His word, and been encouraged and loved so well though my C@T family. Small groups, greater things, big club events, whatever it is, C@T does it for the glory of the Creator, and it is so sweet to experience each and every day!